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Class 5 Notes
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last edited
by Alan Liu 7 years, 7 months ago
Preliminary Class Business
- Preview of readings and practicum for Class 6
- Fusion Tables (example)
- Gephi
- For access to the Transcriptions Center this room) to use Gephi on the workstations, see office hours on the Transcriptions site.
- Working individually or in a team for the mock project prospectus assignment?
- Writing your blog posts:
- Scheduling your posts
- Twitter promotion
- "About" you
- Providing enough information for citation
- example
- Examples of citations of blogs:
1. Examples of Topic Models
2. What Is a Topic Model?
Materials for Discussion Today
- Other Readings: Word Embedding/Vectors (Read for conceptual comprehension in the following sources. You do not need to follow the math or programming details.)
- The standard Alan Liu explanation of topic modeling -- how to improve it?
- The genre of explanations of topic modeling: e.g., Chen, Jockers, Rhody.
- (50-topic model of Blei2012, Chen2011, jockers2011, rhody2012, schmidt2012, underwood2012: sorted topics: keys-sorted.xlsx )
3. What's a Topic?
- Tomashevsky, "Thematics" [PDF] (1925)
- Blei, "Probabalistic Topic Models", 77
- Blei, "Topic Modeling and Digital Humanities", 4-5
- Mohr and Bogdanov, "Topic Models: What They Are and Why They Matter", 547, 548
- Underwood, "What Kinds of "Topics" Does Topic Modeling Actually Produce?", 5ff
- Goldstone and Underwood, "The Quiet Transformations of Literary Studies: What Thirteen Thousand Scholars Could Tell Us", 5, 9, 14
- Rhody, "Topic Modeling and Figurative Language", 13
- Schmidt, "Words Alone: Dismantling Topic Models in the Humanities", 3-4
What's a topic?
- Word vectors / Word embedding:
4. So What?
- Pattern
- Scale & Cyclical Patterns
- Quantitative Phenomena
- Probabalistic Phenomena
- [Network Phenomena]
- Discourse?
- Structure?
- Textuality?
- Context?
- "Field" (McLuhan)?
- "Episteme" (Foucault)?
- "Habitus" (Bourdieu)?
- "System" (Luhmann / Prigogine)?
5. Topic-modeling practicums (continued)
Class 5 Notes
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