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Class 7 Notes
Page history
last edited
by Alan Liu 7 years, 7 months ago
Preliminary Class Business
- Preview of readings and practicum for Class 8
- Mock Project Proposal assignment
- Guidelines and Examples
- Format of a grant proposal (approximately)
- Abstract
- Narrative
- "Environmental scan"
- Methods & Technology
- Work plan & schedule
- Consider staged or modular work plans, starting with what you or a small group of you could do.
- Budget
- Method of project evaluation
- Dissemination
- Sustainability
- (Topic modeling for comparative purposes) (cf., dfr-browser)
1. Our Mapping Practicums
2. Discussion
Materials for Discussion Today
- Focal Readings
- Background: a few pieces to provoke thought about the history and intellectual traditions of mapping:
- Franco Moretti, Graphs, Maps, Trees (Verso, 2005), pp. 35-64
- Ian N. Gregory and David Cooper, "Geographical Technologies and the Interdisciplinary Study of Peoples and Cultures of the Past" [PDF] (2013)
- Ian N. Gregory, "Different Places, Different Stories: Infant Mortality Decline in England and Wales, 1851–1911" [PDF] (2008)
- Zephyr Frank, "Layers, Flows And Intersections: Jeronymo José De Mello And Artisan Life In Rio De Janeiro, 1840s-1880s" [PDF] [paywalled; UCSB students have free access through UCSB Library Proxy server]
- Barbara Piatti, et al., "Mapping Literature: Towards a Geography of Fiction" [PDF] (in Cartography and Art, ed. William Cartwright, et al., 2009) [paywalled; UCSB students have free access through UCSB Library Proxy server]
Class 7 Notes
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